It is becoming clear that today’s culture of leadership and those who exist in that culture are finding it increasingly difficult to connect with those that they represent and lead. Enter Leader Champions Founder, Mike Patterson.

Mike and his team of Leadership and Life Coaches at Leader Champions are actively changing the culture and status quo of leadership as we know it. With a specific focus on a heart-centered and inside-out approach to leadership training, Mike has impacted thousands with his events and trainings.

This event is for you if you are looking to take charge of your life so that you can show up and better lead others.

Topics We Tackle In This Episode:

  • Is our culture responsible for why leaders continually avoid taking responsibility and sweep things under the rug? 
  • Why is there a growing divide in trust between leaders and those whom they lead? 
  • The three focuses of leadership and the “inside-out” approach to succeeding in leading yourself and others. 

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