Without Taylor Wilkins, this show wouldn’t exist.
Taylor Wilkins, the founder of the Tailored Quill, believes that there is no “one right way” to live life and that all of our mental and emotional distress can be relieved by focusing on just 3 reminders: 

1.   We are human

2.   We each have value

3.   Our lives have meaning

After a decade of work in crisis mental health treatment and guiding over 10,000 people, Taylor offers the depth of long-term therapy in a short-term coaching format to help you define your unique purpose and take steps to live it out.

Key takeaways from this episode: 

  • The most common mistake when trying to achieve great things and how to prevent it.
  • The reverse approach to personal development will ensure you stick to your goals and follow through.
  • How your sense of Uniqueness could be the source of your isolation and/or misery.
  • How to unlearn the stories and beliefs that are keeping you stuck where you are.
  • Why you DON’T have to be passionate about your work and how it can still bring you fulfillment. 

Loved Taylor? Here Is How To Find Out More: 

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