What is the cost of disconnection? 

Can we play our way into connection? 

With Weston Karnes, the creator of “Let’s Get Real Bro,” a card game for bros (and everyone else) to build connection and flex our vulnerability muscles in relationship with others. 

We talk about the costs of disconnection and disembodiment on our culture, about how to make a habit of getting real with ourselves and our friends. About how the desire to make men’s work more accessible drove Weston’s product design and its ongoing development. 

As humans, we’re wired for connection … and yet we live in a culture that actively teaches us to disconnect. Especially as men. 

What’s at risk for us to connect?

What do you think people expect of you as a man? 

What comes up when you think about playing a game that asks you to dig a little deeper and share a little more? 

We also talked about rolling from obsession to obsession, burnout,  being an entrepreneur with a mission, and learning to slow ourselves down into focusing on connection, self-awareness, and taking one slow breath at a time.  

Let’s Get Real Bro is a game designed to help men drop in … to LOVE for themselves, to pierce the shells and beliefs … and to connect with other men. 

I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Connect with Weston & Get the Game!

>>> Buy the Game Here <<<

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/lgrbro/

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