Over the last 10 years, David has completed over 50 triathlons, including 15 Ironman-distance triathlons (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, 26.2-mile run), more than 50 runs longer than marathon distance, including several 24-hour runs, running 85 miles in Mexico in the heat of the summer, running 104 miles straight from Santa Barbara to Manhattan Beach, and most recently biking 4,700-miles in just six weeks as he met with the participants of his upcoming book exploring the emotional side of cancer.

David made his way across and up the United States, covering 4,700 miles, and visited the participants of my book, which chronicles the lives of 15 people who were affected by cancer, either as patients, doctors, researchers, caregivers, or otherwise.

These poignant, significant, meaningful, helpful stories cover many aspects of cancer: caregiving and research, emotional and intellectual journeys, various stages of life, and more, so that combined, these memoirs will give us a complete view of the human experience as it relates to cancer.

David joins Brandon Clift and ManKind Podcast Producer and Editor Michael Russer, who is actively battling cancer, to discuss the profound lessons and topics covered in Cycle Of Lives.

Key takeaways from this episode: 

  • A reframe for how to look at the cancer journey (Michael’s Story),
  • The importance of moving through the emotional chaos of illness instead of numbing and avoiding feelings.
  • Common misunderstandings about what great support looks like for those experiencing the impacts of cancer/illness.

Loved David Richman? Here Is How To Find Out More: 

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