Feeling all alone, he shared his sadness and hopelessness into a circle of men he didn’t know. Some of the men silently raised their hands, showing that they too felt sadness and were hopeless at times.

He wept. The relief that he wasn’t a freak, that others shared the same feelings, and he wasn’t alone made his tears welcome. This is how Dave Klaus described one of the profound moments on his New Warrior Training Adventure.

My Next Project

I was honored when Chris Kyle asked me to take over the Purpose News in 2017. And I’m grateful that Dave Klaus is here to accept the stewardship of this writing project from me.

Dave’s willingness to share himself and his thoughts about purpose with you means that I will be able to take on another writing project for the ManKind Project called The Invite.

Beginning in April, I will be sharing myself, my experience of the ManKind Project, and my exploration into initiation, authenticity, integrity, accountability, and mission with men who have not yet done the New Warrior Training Adventure. This is important to me because I want more men to have a chance to experience their own profound moments.

If you are a man who has not yet initiated on a New Warrior Training Adventure or know a man who could benefit from Authenticity, Integrity, Accountability, and Mission, then hit reply if you’d like to let me know that you want to add you to the email list for my new writing project.

Meet Dave Klaus

Dave is committed to a life of service and integrity and mindfulness and meditation.

Listen to a podcast interview with Dave on Dare to Love Podcast where is interviewed by warrior brother Christian Pedersen.

He’s a career criminal defense attorney in the Alameda County Public Defender’s office. He’s a family man, married for 22 years with two teenage kids. He’s taken a vow as a Hollow Bones priest. He’s a 2nd-degree black belt in jujitsu. He’s a Leader in Training for the New Warrior Training Adventure.

He’s also a writer, poet, and musician. His passions are deep conversations, celebrating life, and building community, whether at Burning Man, in San Francisco or wherever he lands.

There Will Be Changes

Just as when I took over from Chris, there will be changes. Maybe you liked Chris’ format better than mine. You might like my style better than the one Chris used. Either way, I encourage you to follow along with Dave as he finds his purpose voice.

I appreciate you and the opportunity I’ve had to be of service through my writing.

With deep gratitude,
