A Rabbi and an Agnostic walk into a podcast studio…
From the outset, you’d think this was a setup for a joke, but instead, it became a profoundly insightful and meaningful conversation between Brandon Clift and Rabbi Noam Raucher.

Noam is a Rabbi, Single Father, Life Coach, and Healer who has been immersing his clients deep in nature to help them connect with their purpose.

You will hear Noam’s story of loss and grief while enjoying the levity of having come out the other side of these tragedies.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of grief and loss for strengthening ourselves.
  • How you can gain insights and gold from scripture even if you’re atheist/agnostic.
Loved Rabbi Raucher? Here Is How To Find Out More: 
  • Website: https://noamraucher.com/
Additional Resources

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