For Immediate Release: ManKind Project USA Launches Global Online Event for Men – The Power of Purpose Summit

The ManKind Project USA announces their first virtual summit for men, engaging recognized experts to help empower a new generation of collaborative and creative male leaders, driven by purpose. The free four-day Power of Purpose Summit will run from February 27 to March 2, and will be available live online or by audio download after the event.

14 top purpose experts including Dan Millman, Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch, Chris Attwood, and Richard Leider, along with some powerful ManKind Project thought leaders including Bill Kauth, Rich Tosi, Gregg Levoy, Mike Robbins, and Michael Taylor will share their insights, tools, and techniques to guide men towards finding their purpose. The summit will be co-hosted by Chris Kyle and George Daranyi, two men that have held leadership roles in MKP, bringing over 30 years of experience helping men and women discover and live their purpose.

“It’s time to get beyond the lone wolf syndrome our culture promotes for men,” says Boysen Hodgson, Communications Director for the ManKind Project USA, “we need inspired, passionate men with clarity of purpose working together and partnering effectively with women to make a difference for the generations to come. In the ManKind Project, we create a space for men to mentor one another and build skills for this partnership.”

Chris Kyle, Program Director for the ManKind Project USA’s online programming team and co-host of the Summit says, “Over a dozen luminaries are coming together to shine a light for us. These men have lived big lives, they have struggled, grown, and conquered. They’ve done the most important thing any man can do: stepped up and served. Now it’s our turn. I’m excited to be a part of this effort.”

MKP USA invites men from all walks of life to be part of the shift that is happening: “Wake up. Don’t delay. Live big. Give your gifts … every day.” Become a Man On Purpose. Learn more about the Power of Purpose Summit, and see the full speaker list at

The ManKind Project USA (MKP USA) is helping build the emotionally mature, accountable and compassionate role models that our communities so desperately need. MKP provides men with powerful personal growth training opportunities and supports a diverse network of peer-facilitated men’s groups in 34 communities across the United States. MKP USA is part of the ManKind Project International, a global nonprofit with nine regions around the world.

For media inquiries, contact:

Boysen Hodgson
ManKind Project USA
Communications & Marketing Director