Over the last three years over 250 men have taken the Man On Purpose Course. These men have come from around the world. Some have been New Warriors, some have never heard of the ManKind Project and have gone on to become New Warriors as a result of taking this course. Men have changed their lives, launched new businesses, tackled incredible mission projects, written their books … they’ve made massive gains in their lives. The material presented here is ground-breaking and has been improving with every offering. Chris Kyle brings big gifts in his teaching. The ManKind Project is at the cutting edge of purpose work, gathering insights from the most recognized luminaries in the world, and presenting the information in a way that is specifically designed for men. I invite you to dive in! ~  Boysen Hodgson, MKP USA Communications

Man On Purpose: The Essential 7-Week Online Course for Men

Chris Kyle

Chris Kyle

This course takes you through a step-by-step process to get you crystal clear on your purpose and how to live it EVERY day…where you’re tapped into your authentic power, and finding ways to have a greater impact in the world.

This highly-interactive program was born out of the deep work that I’ve done with men for over 18 years, and includes: 7 powerful live Course Sessions, a unique 1-on-1 Mentoring program (with seasoned mentors from MKP), weekly course materials, private customized Course Website, live Q&A Sessions and your own Purpose Project. 

What I’ve noticed among the thousands of men I’ve worked with is this:

Men who are “ON purpose” thrive in ALL areas of their lives…

They are more passionate and engaged in their work and creativity. More connected and happy in their relationships. And more vibrant, grounded and healthy in their lives.

And on the flip side, I’ve also seen that men who are NOT clear on their purpose seem to flounder in their lives… they tell me about feeling stuck, deeply dissatisfied, unfulfilled, or even lost.

You may be feeling this in your own life right now. Or maybe you’re in a transition and not clear on the pathway through. If you’re not fully engaged in living your purpose, then this course is a perfect opportunity for you to claim yourself and your purpose as a top priority.

In this course, you’ll discover: 

  • How to conduct a boldly honest inventory of your life so you can uncover key “stuck points”
  • How to utilize our powerful Reframing Process to neutralize your negative beliefs and patterns that keep you from stepping fully into your power and purpose
  • The Inner Bully Archetypes and how to prevent them from taking you down
  • How to create a personal Purpose Statement that will become your north star
  • How to translate your purpose into aligned action in your life so you’re engaged and inspired
  • How to create and deliver on your Purpose Project

Over the 7 weeks of the course, you’ll receive the teaching and support to guide you through our unique 3 Step Process, which will enable you to maintain the focus, commitment and energy for living your purpose in the world. The steps are:

  > STEP 1: Clear away the false beliefs that block you from your calling

  > STEP 2: Open to your hidden source of power

  > STEP 3: Claim your purpose fully and begin living it daily with your Purpose Project

Imagine truly being yourself standing in the power of your purpose — clear, confident, fulfilled and connected. 

When you register, you’ll also receive powerful bonus learning content from our Expert Faculty that will support you with your purpose discovery process… 

  • Special Course Bonus: Purpose Assessment Tool (PAT) from Certified Purpose Guide Brandon Peele  
  • Bonus #1: A live, 1-on-1 60-minute Passion Test Session with a certified Passion Test facilitator
  • Bonus #2: Monetize Your Passions Audio Series with NYT Times #1 Bestselling authors Chris Attwood, Janet Bray Attwood, and Geoff Affleck
  • Bonus #3: An audio workshop and eBook from Lion Goodman — Clear the Beliefs that Take You Off Purpose; and the accompanying eBook Transform Your Beliefs: Unleash Your Magnificence and Change Your World
  • Bonus #4: An audio workshop with Susan Bratton, CEO of Personal Life Media, called Your Purpose Makes You Sexy: How Living Your Calling Makes You Irresistibly Powerful

If you sense that there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing now, and if you want the tools and knowledge to begin living into your fullest authentic power as a man with a clear purpose guiding you, then please join us for this 7-week course.

Read the details and register here: Man On Purpose Online Course
To living your purpose,

Chris Kyle
Creator & Facilitator
Man on Purpose Course