What Makes a Man?

MKP NY Metro, along with Peace in the Streets representatives including Stan Koehler from the Uptown Meditation Center and Zendo participated in a first annual “Push4Peace” event in the Bronx, hosted by Hot 97FM.

A report submitted by Jerry Bimka, MKP New York Metro

The Bronx Push4Peace event went very well for MKP NY Metro.

The event was very well attended and we made a lot of good connections with people from many organizations from the Bronx. It was a pleasant surprise for me personally to see the many different groups out there doing the good work – bringing something positive into the community. In Jewish culture there’s a saying that if you save one person’s life (literally or metphorically) it’s as if you saved the whole world. That’s my attitude regarding the fair. If only one man contacts us and gets involved, then it was a good choice for us.

There was a panel discussion which I sat in to watch for a section, and it was INTENSE! The Bronx Borough President, Ruben Diaz Jr. was on the panel, along with Norman Seabrook, president of COBA, Maino, a hip hop artist, Lisa Evers from Hot 97FM, and other influential people from the community. I’d like to share something the Borough President said … I felt like I was in an I Group while he spoke. He said that we as men need to love each other and start to express and show our feelings to each other and that it was O.K. to do that contrary to the cultural myth that men shouldn’t do that. It was powerful.

This was the first Push 4 Peace event here in NYC and I hope it will be an annual event. For me, it was a very rewarding to get into my warrior energy and help make this thing happen for us.

Jerry Bimka, MKP NY Metro

The video below is from the Hot97FM web site: