This is one of the scariest emails I’ve ever written. I’m asking for you help in the form of feedback on a book outline/idea I have developed.

For the umpteenth time I told a friend about a book idea I have developed. Fact is, I have several. This one is called Solving the Fulfillment Puzzleyou can download the 18-page draft/outline. I’d love your feedback.

Download it. Give it a read. Hit reply and let me know what you think.

The big idea is that a truly meaningful life is about fulfillment through living your purpose, being of service and supporting a community. If you aren’t living your purpose and working with others in service to your collective good, no amount of money can buy what’s missing.

This sense of mission will present challenges, and even obstacles to happiness, at times. But living with a bigger picture in mind can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. In fact, it can ease the burden of your financial journey.

The nine pieces needed to complete the fulfillment puzzle are:

  1. A healthy relationship with yourself and others.
  2. Skills and abilities to earn a living wage.
  3. A safe and supportive home and lifestyle.
  4. Understanding personal finance and building good habits.
  5. Integrity – personal and financial.
  6. Your vision of financial independence.
  7. Dreams and tools for accomplishing them.
  8. Adding value to others by living your purpose.
  9. A mutually supportive community.

I developed it through my writing on a newspaper column called Money Savvy. I’ve attached a short draft/outline and I’m asking for your feedback.

I hope you find it helpful and I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Live a Bold and Authentic Life
