About the Film

Welcome to the Men’s Group is a feature length independent film by noted film-maker, actor, and director Joseph Culp, featuring an ensemble cast with some faces you’ll definitely recognize. It’s hilarious. It’s irreverent. It’s poignant. It tackles men’s issues that most movies these days won’t touch, and in a way that you definitely won’t see on the TV any time soon.

It will have an impact and stir up discussion in your group. We have heard from many men and groups who LOVED the film. We have also heard from groups who had a really hard time with it! It will generate a response! (Watch the panel discussion below for a wide-ranging conversation on topics covered in the movie.)

Bill Kauth, co-creator of the New Warrior Training Adventure saw the film in Ashland and had this to say, “It was great! I really like Joseph and believe in how much he loves men’s groups. And we MKP men need to know that this film helps highlight the kind of deep safety and authentic connection we create in our groups … it isn’t found everywhere.” Bill laughed, “Don’t expect this to look like I-Group.”

This film is NOT AVAILABLE anywhere else. We have worked with the filmmaker to bring you this special offer. This is limited time opportunity for New Warriors and guests to see the movie a year before it will be released. This means our I-Groups, our Communities, and our Areas throughout the country can watch a great movie, support a film getting wider visibility, and support MKP USA through a donation!

Need to know:

  • This is a Streaming Video: You will need a strong wifi connection or a hardwire internet connection to effectively stream the film.
  • There is a $5 donation / person to host the screening.


Happening Now – Custom Screening window for MKP USA Groups


We’ve put together a program that makes “Welcome to the Men’s Group” easy for an I-Group or Open Men’s Group activity. It provides step by step instructions and a post-screening discussion guide. The movie will be available on a per request basis. Each screening will receive a special 48 hour viewing code for live streaming.


REGISTER for your group in order to get access to the streaming video.

Talk to your group and get your event planning underway.


You can use the link below to make your contribution for the screening to MKPUSA. 30% of the proceeds go directly to the the ManKind Project USA.

Pay for your screening here.

Welcome to the Men’s Group Panel Discussion

On June 28, 2016, the ManKind Project USA hosted a live conversation forum with the co-creators of the film “Welcome to the Men’s Group;” Joseph Culp, Actor, Director, Producer and Co-writer, and Scott Ben Yashar, Co-writer and Producer. They are joined by ManAlive creator, author and psychologist Jed Diamond, MKP USA Communications & Marketing Director Boysen Hodgson, and a number of New Warriors from across the USA. The panel was moderated by New Warrior Michael Russer.


What is the premise of WELCOME TO THE MEN’S GROUP?

Men seek spiritual connection and support. It is often quite natural for women to come together and share their feelings, but for most men this is still a new idea. Men should have a place beyond the local bar or card game to find out what is really going on with each other. Men must adapt to changing messages of being a man today, but where will they share their confusion and their questions honestly? The feminist movement changed a lot for women’s roles, and it is still evolving, and men are learning to change as well. How is it if a woman makes more money than a man? Men are taking care of children more and more. The tough persona of the man who does not talk about his feelings is disappearing. John Wayne is long dead. But men don’t want to be feminized either – they want to maintain a connection to what makes them truly male. There are men’s groups all over the world that are trying to discover that original male energy by coming together to share their stories and support each other in a new way. Men are still caught between the “civilized” man vs. the “savage” man – between intellectual sensitivity and also the impulse for violence. There needs to be more honest conversation between men, more vulnerability, more trust. I hope this film will bring more permission to have this conversation. The film is about the need for connection and it shows both the dark and light sides of men. Ultimately, the film has a positive message about the potential for honesty and change.  – Joseph Culp (co-writer/director)

Read more and watch the trailer on the ManKind Project Journal.

Exclusive Interview with Joseph Culp

New Warrior Michael Russer interviewed Joseph Culp about the film, his inspiration, and how this can be a great opportunity for MKP USA Members and guests. Click here.