Practicing Failure Resilience in Meditation

From the Department of Again and Again I love my morning walks with Trixy the Dog. We climb 250 steps to the top of Bernal Hill and then jog and walk and fetch tennis balls as the sun rises over the San Francisco Bay. In the winter, the bay burns bright with orange...

Got a taste for something wild?

Last weekend I led a New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA) in Upstate, NY. And last night, I attended a homecoming for men who had completed the one in the Northwest. Witnessing and listening to stories of transformation has me wanting to tell you about the NWTA. I’m...

The Wisdom of the Wobble

From the Department of Wobble I have been on such a roll the last few months. I have experienced big personal growth with lots of juicy insights; I have been taking care of my body and it feels good; we got our daughter Anya all set up at college and she is doing...

Are men lonely?

The Hidden Brain podcast is one of my favorite podcasts. The preview and title of this episode caught my attention. This week on Hidden Brain, we look at what happens when half the population gets the message that needing others is a sign of weakness, and that being...