Want to Be a Better Leader? Grow!

Leadership growth is personal growth. Because leadership growth is really the outward expression your growth. Thanks for having followed along. We’ve covered a lot of ground in this nine-part email series. To recap, The Leadership Challenge is: Leaders tell on...

From the Department of Lawyers

The human brain has evolved a “negativity bias”, which serves to keeps us safe. We are innately suspicious of new situations, and once burned, we are forever twice shy. Of course, this is a survival trait, and very handy! But when I went to law school, I...

Which Life Are You Living?

“Most of us have two lives: the life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” I remember exactly where I was standing in Powell’s Bookstore when I read the words of Steven Pressfield in the War of Art. The War of Art, Do The Work,...

What’s the impact of too busy?

I’ve had some difficult conversations recently, which have gotten me thinking that I could have better relationships if I were more empathetic. You should be more empathetic. I’ve bet you’ve heard that. With all that is going on in the world, more empathy is just what...
NPR Talks MKP in Recent Article

NPR Talks MKP in Recent Article

NPR station WHYY in Philadelphia recently aired a story called “Where’s Masculinity Headed? Men’s Groups And Therapists Are Talking.” It was broadcast on May 18 as part of Weekend Edition programming. The article focused on a small men’s...