by Boysen Hodgson | May 5, 2022 | Celebration Stories, Community News, ManKind Podcast
One of the great challenges every generation faces is how to guide the next generation to come. But how can you impact the lives of the younger generations when what worked for you doesn’t seem to work for them? Today we’re joined by Marco Renai, the...
by Boysen Hodgson | May 2, 2022 | Celebration Stories, Community News, ManKind Podcast
In our series on the Archetypes, I wanted to talk with John Hernandez about Alchemy … what it is, how it relates to the conversations we’re having about the archetypes and the axis mundi, and how we can begin to be the ‘Hollow Bone’ to get more intuitive information...
by Boysen Hodgson | Apr 26, 2022 | Celebration Stories, Community News, ManKind Podcast
The heart is the doorway, the place of truth, the place of greatest pain, the place of wholeness. On the other side of this inner battle, the ‘new warrior’ finds himself … open-hearted, vulnerable, fiercely honest, courageous …where the True Self accrues authentic...
by Boysen Hodgson | Apr 21, 2022 | Celebration Stories, Community News, ManKind Podcast
In 20th-century comparative mythology, the term Axis Mundi — also called the cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, the center of the world, or world tree — has been dramatically extended to refer to any mythological concept representing “the connection...
by Boysen Hodgson | Apr 18, 2022 | Celebration Stories, Community News, ManKind Podcast
The King archetype is the most important of the four mature masculine archetypes. Just as a good king in mythological stories is often something of a Renaissance man–a good warrior, magician, and lover–the King archetype incorporates the other three mature masculine...