Chris Hemmings is on his way back from an incredibly dark place.
Once considered one of the UK’s leading experts and facilitators in conversations surrounding manhood, masculinity, male psychology, and suicide prevention was accused of sexual abuse by someone he briefly dated (IMPORTANT: The accuser has since retracted her allegation). This resulted in the masses slandering and defaming him all over the comment sections of his online content (much of which has gone viral several times). 

The backlash from the false allegation sent Chris into a deep spiral of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations. Without solid evidence, many of his networks in the Journalism, Education, and Mental Health fields turned their backs on him.

Where does that leave Chris today? Well, you are going to hear of Chris’s journey through forgiveness, reconciliation, and deep inner work to become a man who, given the chance, wouldn’t change anything that has happened to him.   

Highlights From The Episode:

  • How one allegation completely upended Chris’s Career and Life. 
  • Why ALL men AND those who DON’T identify as “Male” need to get behind in supporting men’s mental health initiatives. 
  • How his professional downfall has become one of the greatest blessings in his life.

Learn More About Chris Hemmings

Instagram: @Mpathmen
Twitter: @Mpathmen
Pick up his Book: Be A Man

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