It’s with deep sadness that we report that New Warrior Steven Jaffe/Human Raccoon passed on January 21, 2018. Steve went through on the first “Chicago” weekend, in 1985. He was an active member of the first Chicago I-Group (which is still active). Their motto is “low tolerance for bullshit, high tolerance for imperfection.”
There is no history of the early New Warrior Training Adventures that does not include some participation from Steve. For the first at least 7 years Steve was responsible for adding every new brother to the spreadsheet and later to the first listserv.
Steve served in many roles including: Elder Society, local and National, Chicago Center Chairman, Chicago Finance Chair, and man of service on dozens of weekends.
Steve arranged Christmas for the boys of Paulina House where he played Santa Clause. He was at every Chicago MKP Father and Son and Dad and Daughter weekend since their inception.
He is the Father of Chris and Alexis. Chris is the former, and is believed to be the youngest to that point, Center Director (Chicago) in MKP’s history.
When 30 something tires were slashed on a NWTA in March of 1993, Steve spent the weekend, and fronted the money, to have them all replaced and ready by the time the new brothers left on Sunday. At Haimowoods, Steve would show up at about 10 O’clock with either 100 taco’s or White Castle sliders for the staff.
Steve was a 35 year Cubs season ticket holder. He literally has the best seats in Wrigley field. He referred to the Cubs not as a team but a religion and Wrigley field not a stadium but a place of worship. He lived to see them win the World Series.
Joe Laur – God’s Dog – remembers Steve and his joyful, break the rules, generous spirit. “May his family be comforted. May his soul rise ever higher, and his memory be always for a blessing. May he bring tacos and sliders and ice cream and pizza to the World to Come.”