by MKP USA Chairman Elect Julien Devereux

The roots of The Mankind Project are, to a great extent, in a social movement called the Men’s Movement. From the outset, and continuing today, we have encouraged, challenged, and supported men to go inward and touch their authentic sacred masculine, and to do their own personal work through the New Warrior Training Adventure and our I-Groups. We do this so that today, and for each day in the past 30 years, we can turn our gaze outward to be the change we want to see in the world — to take collective responsibility for what we love as an act of service. Let’s be direct, we want to change our World. And we have.

During our fall membership drive, we send out a lot of communications urging MKP men to be supporting members of MKP USA: to help us nurture, evolve, and innovate this unique and vital creation we have built together. This letter is to thank those men who are changing the world as members of MKP USA by embodying our mission to create a world where men act on their individual and shared responsibility to the future of humanity.

At this month’s Board meeting, MKP USA adopted a statement against racism and oppression that you can see at This statement and, more importantly, the stand that it represents, came about out of work started by a small group of men committed to MKP USA not remaining silent on this important issue and making a clear statement of where we stand as an organization. I am deeply moved and grateful for this evolution.

As you know, we have over the recent past created Gateway NWTA’s for GTBQ men to have a healing container of their own, for young men aged 18-35, we’ve launched urban NWTA’s for underserved and marginalized communities, trainings on Intercultural awareness, a focus on helping men with PTSD, hearing-impaired, orthodox, bilingual, and Indigenous people. All of these came about because MKP members and others were committed to them as part of their personal and MKP’s collective missions of service.

The ManKind Project has been a germination point for well over 100 organizations, trainings, programs, books and so much more over the last 30 years – touching the lives of millions around the globe. We are a wildly successful social invention incubator.

There are I-Groups and other Circles of MKP men who have taken on work in their communities. MKP Communities have participated in rallies against Domestic Violence, marched in Pride Parades celebrating diversity of orientation and Suicide Prevention Events. We recognize one of those men annually with the Ron Hering Service Award (, but for each of those award winners, there are many more nominations that are equally deserving, and many more that simply go about their missions of service without receiving or necessarily wanting recognition.  

There are men who have led and taken PIT and IGFT trainings in order to better serve their I-Groups, men who have taken ideas of accountability and integrity into prisons and jails, men who have served on the Mental Health Resource Team, and our ongoing suicide prevention awareness efforts. There are men who have developed and refined trainings for leadership, for the four archetypes, healing and behavior change. Really, too many of these contributions to mention individually. How great is that!

For me, that’s what MKP is about – each man doing his part to fulfill his mission to heal and change the world – because as an awake, conscious, grown up man, he sees what needs to be done much more clearly. Having touched our own shadows in the NWTA and in I-Groups and other trainings, we have the compassion, the empathy, and the commitment that calls us to serve.

Thank you, men for doing your work and for living your missions of service. It is my privilege and honor as your incoming Chair of MKP USA to serve you and to work with you to make MKP the kind of organization that puts service above self. AHO!



Julien Devereux
Chair Elect MKP USA