by Boysen Hodgson | Apr 1, 2020 | Celebration Stories, Heart to Heart, Recent News
MKP USA Chair Paul Samuelson interviews David Kaar who is ManKind Project Past Chair, Leader Trainer and Creator of the Dragon Training. David shares how he got started with MKP in 1988 and was New Warrior #250. It was a powerfully transformative process that allowed...
by Boysen Hodgson | Mar 22, 2020 | Celebration Stories, Community News, Recent News
Moving with love and grace. The ManKind Project USA, like all organizations and individuals, is undergoing a rapid evolution. It’s a difficult time. Please spend a few minutes with the three Chairs and the Communications Director of the ManKind Project USA....
by Boysen Hodgson | Mar 15, 2020 | Celebration Stories, Heart to Heart, Recent News
MKP USA Chair Paul Samuelson interviews Carmil Surritt who is the MKP USA Curriculum Lead, Core Mapping Coach. Carmil shares how he was drawn to MKP and then became deeply involved and ended up as the lead for the curriculum committee which is tasked with...
by Boysen Hodgson | Mar 13, 2020 | Community News, Recent News
The ManKind Project USA is postponing, rescheduling, or as a last course of action, canceling all upcoming events through April 30, 2020. (On March 18, 2020 this date was moved to June 1, 2020.) This includes New Warrior Training Adventures, Advanced Leadership...
by Boysen Hodgson | Mar 1, 2020 | Celebration Stories, Heart to Heart, Recent News
MKP USA Chair Paul Samuelson interviews MKP USA Elder Bruce Anderson on MKP Elderhood. Bruce talks about the wisdom and freedom from expectations and projections of others that comes with Elderhood, if you do the work. He also talks about the many men’s work projects...